BitOwl Application Suit Changelog ================================================================================ Key: ! General Information or Change + New - Removed * Fix ================================================================================ 1.0.0 (August 4th 2007) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Invalid newsids will result in BOAS acting as if it was not supplied. + Hidden CAPTCHA feature. To enable add $_bitowl["master"]["captcha"] to the config file. I warn you it might not give desired results. - Removed auto updater, it caused more problems then it helped. Until I can conclude BOASL as stable, it has to go. 0.8.0 Gamma 2 (July 22nd 2007) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Feed updating has been changed to go though the new feedlib.php file which creates a general way to access the update fuction of all feed types. * An extension's config file was not loaded properly by exconfig.php, same fix also applies to init.php while loading an extensions initiation file. 0.7.0 Gamma 1 (June 1st 2007) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! First "stable" release